Equipped with a Bachelor of Science and a Master of Information, I aim to craft experiences that connect people with technology.
My passion lies in the art of user research, where I explore, understand, and empathize with users' needs and desires. I firmly believe that through a deep understanding of people, we can design products that truly resonate with them.
Outside of work, I'm passionate about sustainable fashion education. I strongly believe in promoting mindful consumption that encourages a slower, more thoughtful approach to style. I'm especially interested in how technology and sustainability can come together and how implementing good UX can contribute to a more eco-friendly and socially responsible digital landscape.
slow style & mindful mends
things i like
(9/10 grandmas approve).
doing things out & about
good food & drink
slow style & mindful mends
doing things out & about
things i like
(9/10 grandmas approve).
9/10 grandmas approve
9/10 grandmas approve
9/10 grandmas approve
9/10 grandmas approve
9/10 grandmas approve
9/10 grandmas approve
good food & drink
Things I'm good at (just ask my mom).
User Experience Design
Information Architecture
User Flows
Journey Mapping
Design Systems
User-Centered Information Systems Development
Design Thinking
Interaction Design
Affinity Diagrams
Accessibility & Inclusive Design
User Interface Design
Research & Analysis
Usability Testing
A/B Testing
Research Methods
Hypothesis Testing
Study Design
Screener/Survey Design
User Interviews
Data & Content Analysis
Descriptive & Inferential Statistics
Tools & Software
Optimal Workshop
Web Design & Technical Skills
Wix Studio
Adobe Experience Manager
my design process
I immerse myself in the world of the users or stakeholders.
Through engaging interviews, thoughtful surveys, and keen observations, I aim to truly understand their needs, challenges, and contexts.
I distill my research findings into insightful user personas and craft a clear problem statement that will guide our creative journey.
This is where the fun begins!
I unleash my creativity, generating a wide array of ideas through brainstorming, sketching, and mind mapping. I embrace the freedom to explore all possibilities, focusing on quantity to spark diverse thinking.
I unleash my creativity, generating a wide array of ideas through brainstorming, sketching, and mind mapping. I embrace the freedom to explore all possibilities, focusing on quantity to spark diverse thinking.
I start bringing ideas to life.
I create simple, tangible representations like sketches and wireframes. By developing multiple prototypes, I can quickly refine and improve based on early feedback.
I create simple, tangible representations like sketches and wireframes. By developing multiple prototypes, I can quickly refine and improve based on early feedback.
I take these prototypes to the real world.
I invite users to interact with them, gather their feedback, and keenly observe their experiences. This helps me pinpoint what works and what needs tweaking.
I invite users to interact with them, gather their feedback, and keenly observe their experiences. This helps me pinpoint what works and what needs tweaking.
It’s time to develop the final design.
I incorporate all the valuable feedback and refinements, focusing on detailed design and production to bring the solution to life in the best possible way.
I incorporate all the valuable feedback and refinements, focusing on detailed design and production to bring the solution to life in the best possible way.
I assess how the solution performs.
I gather user feedback and performance data to see if it meets our goals. If needed, I iterate further to enhance the design based on real-world usage.
I gather user feedback and performance data to see if it meets our goals. If needed, I iterate further to enhance the design based on real-world usage.
Throughout the process, I stay flexible and open-minded.
I enjoy the journey of continuous improvement, making sure the final product not only solves the problem but also meets the needs of everyone who uses it.